Zo948. The NLEX Corporation reports the capacity expansion of the 8.2-kilometer Subic Freeport Expressway (SFEX) is significantly progressing! Picture and text are curtesy of the NLEX Corporation.
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Although my family is stuck in Hawaii in 2020, I watch the news and I receive stuff from the inter net about Subic Bay. There are significant construction and noticeable jobs ongoing or were opened this year of 2020. In this album I like to post some of these projects for historical purpose!
I sneaked in a few 2019 pictures.
The most devasting event is the virus from Red China that is causing huge problems everywhere in the world. The tourist busines in Subic Bay is practical dead right now. WE are waiting for a cure!
Zo949. The NLEX Corporation reports the capacity expansion of the 8.2-kilometer Subic Freeport Expressway (SFEX) is significantly progressing! Picture and text are curtesy of the NLEX Corporation.
The capacity expansion of the 8.2-kilometer Subic Freeport Expressway (SFEX), a major infrastructure project aimed at easing travel to and from the freeport zone, is significantly progressing with its completion standing at 50 percent.
NLEX Corporation said construction activities for the P1.6-billion project are in various stages of development and seen to be completed by the end of the year. Two additional expressway lanes, two new spans at the Jadjad River and Argonaut Road bridges, and a new tunnel adjacent to the existing one are being built to transform the road into a four-lane expressway, thus improve traffic flow and road safety. These 3 pictures are from Scott Paul about some work going on in Barrio Barretto, they are dated in July 2020. Scott is a very active man with the camera and likes to share his pictures. They were interesting to me also since I been absent from Barretto now for one year. My best estimate to return to the PI is now in Mid-November but who knows. That virus from Red China may make that also not possible.
I made an album of this project being started in 2019, click here for the URL:
These 3 pictures are from Scott Paul about some work going on in Barrio Barretto, they are dated in July 2020. Scott is a very active man with the camera and likes to share his pictures. They were interesting to me also since I been absent from Barretto now for one year. My best estimate to return to the PI is now in Mid-November but who knows. That virus from Red China may make that also not possible.
Zo950. (#1) This picture is front of the Johansson, that used to be the Midnight Rambler on the inland side of the National Highway. They been working on widening the National Highway for about 2 years. The project also includes drainage ditches. The problem is the city did not take the actual width of the highway in consideration when they approved building permits. Many buildings had to modify and access by customers in the future may be difficult.
Zo951. (#2) This is the intersection of Jolo St. (where I live but on the other end it is higher there), and Riza Street in Barretto. We are looking up Rizal St. towards the bay. This is a city project. Better drainage ditches are going to be installed and the road is going to be raised apparently. What will that do to the house at right? This intersection has been flooded frequently at heavy rain, maybe 2 feet high or deep. That high building at left is new and is an addition the Olongapo City jail that has been there forever. The vendor stalls that were on either side of Rizal St. there are gone now and maybe forever.
For your orientation, about 100 feet to the right of the photographer, up the Jolo St. was the house Alan Yu had rented for a few years, we had the Hashers home there a few times.
Ahead, at left, about 60 feet is a sign that says Talipapa; to you SRF Divers, that is where Rick Crane had rented his house and we had a few parties there in the 1988-91 days. The owner had built a building there to attract venders but nobody came. But apparently some came now and this sign was erected. Talipapa, if I translate it right, means a small village market that what the area on Rizal St. was called when all the vendors where there.
Zo952. (#3) This is the intersection of Del Pilar St., going off to the right towards the former Marmot Hotel in Barretto and the National Highway. The project here is to put large culverts in, under and across the National Highway from the inland side to the bay side, that must be part of the highway widening project. That is about time, rain and flood drainage has become a problem here, at this intersection, in the last few year.
Apparently, the new hotel Dennito sign is being moved, maybe just temporarily because of the widening and drainage project. That building at right is the new Rico’s Restaurant; it seems to be popular with local and tourists alike.
Across the street in 1990 at that corner used to be the Pirate Coves Bar and next to it the Iron Butterfly Bar, very personal memories there. This corner has changed a lot since those days.
Zo853. Barrio Barretto has now a Highrise, maybe 10 floors. It is called Central Park Reef Hotel. This is the bottom floor, Lobby, Bar, Restaurant and Pool Floor. It opened in 2019; because of the China Virus, it may be temporarily closed right now.
Zo954. Last year, perhaps Sep. or October 2019 Shoe Mart Malls (SM) opened a new and large mall next to the Marikit Park. That is the location of the old Olongapo Hospital which was several post WWII Quonset Buildings. It was also the sight of the Olongapo City Convention Center. It is about 1 block towards the former U.S. Naval Base from the Olongapo City APO Circle.
Zo955. Last year, perhaps Sep. or October 2019 Shoe Mart Malls (SM) opened a new and large mall next to the Marikit Park. That is the location of the old Olongapo Hospital which was several post WWII Quonset Buildings. It was also the sight of the Olongapo City Convention Center. It is about 1 block towards the former U.S. Naval Base from the Olongapo City APO Circle. The SM Corporation build a new convention center in the mall.
Zo956. The Philippines was the host country in for the 2019 South East Asia Games. The games were conducted in several different venues including Subic Bay. This Subic Gym building is located along the Aguinaldo St., our sailor’s former Liberty Route to the main gate. It was built by the new Management, the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) after the Subic Bal Naval Base was returned to the Philippine Authority. This building is located on the Remy Sports Field and was renovated for these 2019 Games.
Zo957. The Philippines was the host country in for the 2019 South East Asia Games. The games were conducted in several different venues including Subic Bay. This view is from the Burgos St., across the Remy Sports Field in the direction, towards the main gate. I believe the running track was redone, and the spectator seats were replaced and this time there is a cover against the elements. It was built by the new Management of the former Subic Bal Naval Base, now the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA). For your orientation you can see the first, not the new SM Mall which is located in Olongapo, just across the main gate bridge.
Zo958. This is a current picture of the former Subic Bay Naval Base main gate bridge. The former Base is now called the Subic Bay Freeport Zone (SBFZ) and it is administered by the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA). The bridge has been secured for vehicle traffic a few years now and a plan to replace it is in the works. It seems the virus pandemic from Red China has slowed down the project. At right is the first SM Mall built on the former Olongapo City Lot 21 and then the Olongapo City Mall.
Zo959. This is a current picture of the former Subic Bay Naval Base main gate bridge. The former Base is now called the Subic Bay Freeport Zone (SBFZ) and it is administered by the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA). The bridge has been secured for vehicle traffic a few years now and a plan to replace it is in the works. It seems the virus pandemic from Red China has slowed down the project. This picture is from the First SM Mall, they have parking on the upper floors. We see the Main Gate vehicle guard shack and I marked in some other landmarks for your orientation. If you look closely, you also can see the Philippine Flag, where ours and theirs flew jointly in the past.
Zo960. This new hotel Dennito in Barrio Barretto is located on the grounds of the former Marmont Hotel, only one of three new entities now, of and on the former Marmont Hotel grounds. My friend Carlito reports that our VFW 11447 Post is moving here into the Baker’s place. The old VFW location suffered problems because of the National Highway widening project, the front of building had to go. A conflict arose as to who pays for that.
Nine pictures (screen shots) about NEW Condo Developments in Subic Bay. They are presented in this video by Property Club, click here:
Note from Karl: It is amazing how much has been built since the Subic Bay Naval Base was returned to the Philippine authorities in 1992!
We have 3 new malls, one on Base (Ayala), two off Base, in Olongapo (both SM).
Most hotel investments have succeeded but some big ones went broke.
In this presentation only some of the hotel investments are covered, more recent ones. There are many more and also at other locations, off this map shown, like at the former ammunition piers.
And all the other many, many, types of investments are not covered here either!
I think, many of these investments sell the units ahead of time and use that money to build. I wonder whether that is a good model for an individual small investor?
Zo962. This Aurora Pavilion is progressing rather slowly, I think they are constructing 2 years already. They had a big crane, maybe they don’t need it any more. For your orientation, to the photographer’s right is the Tappan Park, across the street to the right of the project is the compound with the Subic Bay Chapel.
Zo963. A map of the present Subic Bay Freeport Zone (SBFZ), the area of the Naval Station of the former Subic Bay Naval Base. It is marked up for your orientation!
Zo964. This is item 2 on the map. In the video it is not counted but was shown briefly. This steel structure is new and is being worked on. What is interesting here, is that here was a massive construction going on before, maybe 5 to 10 years ago and it was supposed to be a large Highrise, a Korean investment, buy in and we build. The 1/2 length of this large block, the concrete foundation was completed but then went broke.
Zo965. This is location 3 on the map and this picture shows 3 completed hotels from left to right. Mango Valley, Grand Hoyah and the Horizon Hotel. To the right is the new Reviera Condo and Hotel, item 2 of 4 in the video.
Zo966. This is location 3 on the map and in this picture, it is item 2 in the video. I just copied the Reviera Condo and Hotel view from their promotion sign. We can see the actual construction just behind the promotion sign, I think they are already at their planed top floor.
Zo967. This is location 3 on the map and in this picture, we see items 3 and 2 (in that order) of the video. The Chequers Suites is completed and is operating and it is item 3 in the video. Next to it, to its right, is the Reviera Condo and Hotel being build.
Zo968. The video presenter is on his way to his item 4 in his video, the Majestic Bay project at Triboa Bay. He drives by the Ayala, Harbor Point Mall.
I’m one of those persons who appreciates all the new malls in Subic Bay, when we run this place, we did not have them. I know my family members enjoy the malls; they are great places to hang out. And if you want to by something, it is right there.
Zo969. This is the Majestic Bay project, item 4 in the video and it is located at Triboa Bay, next to the former Naval Air Station Cubi Point. This must be a Condo project. The APEC meeting of 1996 was held here and President Ramos was the Philippine President then. In the next picture was also President Clinton, our president then. On this side of Triboa Bay, for the APEC meeting, 20 or so villas were built, one for each Head of State of the APEC member countries. These villas are now leased out. The actual APEC meeting was held in the famous Cubi Point Officer Club.
Zo970. This is another view of the Majestic Bay project, item 4 in the video and it is located at Triboa Bay, next to the former Naval Air Station Cubi Point. This must be a Condo project. The APEC meeting of 1996 was held here and President Ramos was the Philippine President then. On this side of Triboa Bay, for the APEC meeting, 20 or so villas were built, one for each Head of State of the APEC member countries. These villas are now leased out. The actual APEC meeting was held in the famous Cubi Point Officer Club.
Tags added: Majestic Bay project, Naval Air Station Cubi Point, APEC 1996, Triboa Bay, Cubi Point Officer Club, Ayala-Harbor Point Mall, The Chequers Suites, Reviera Condo and Hotel, Aurora Pavilion, Mango Valley, Grand Hoyah, Horizon Hotel.