Half of the former Naval Base Subic Bay is in the Province of Bataan and we all know what important role Bataan played in WWII. That is why Bataan has a special place in my heart and I have visited it often, in the footsteps of WWII.
Bataan, Gen. King Surrender Marker A01. This image came from the former Battling Bastards of Bataan (BBB) web pages from when it was established. The Gen. King Marker sign is gone for many years now and I don’t know the reason. —————————————————- This Bataan Surrender Memorial Marker was established here in Lamao by the Battling […]
Read More#07 Battle of the Points, Quinawan Point Area, 2024, 29 June. Map 13: Japanese Landings on Bataan from Battle of the Points, US Army, The Fall of the Philippines, Chapter XVII. https://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/USA-P-PI/USA-P-PI-17.html ————————————————– This is the area of the WWII Battle of the Points Area, so it interests me. After my visit to Corregidor, I decided […]
Read MoreZf707. Here is an old picture of the First Line of Defense Layac Monument by Gilbert Dizon and from this web page, click here: —————————————————————- The First Line of Defense Layac Monument is finished now and I shot these pictures on the 8th of June 2022. B Before I show the pictures of the newly […]
Read MoreZf500. GEN. KING SURRENDER MARKER AT LAMAO, BATAAN, Picture # X360 posted in the below linked URL on the 28th April, 2015 entry. ————————————— This album, webpage is for some other WWII memorials & plaques in Bataan, —————————————- Five other memorials/plaques in Bataan! My friend Roger Davis, a member of the Coastal Defense Study Group […]
Read MoreZd840. This is one of 6 images of the Subic Freeport Expressway on the 15th Jan 2021. I started my Bataan trip this way. This is the first section as you leave the former Navy Exchange area. —————————————— This was an exploration trip of changes in Bataan during the virus crisis, I had to get […]
Read MoreZc959. This image of the Bataan and Democracy Historical Marker was provided by the General Douglas MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk Virginia. ————————————————- The Gen. MacArthur Memorial was wondering where was it located and does it still exist? One of our forum members saw it and even has some pictures. We did some additional research and […]
Read MoreZa866. The 76th Anniversary of Bataan Day, Araw ng Kagitingan at Mount Samat National Shrine, Pilar, Bataan, 2018-04-09. The ceremony is over; The VIP Imee Marcos received the biggest applause. —————————————— The 76th Anniversary of the Fall of Bataan was remembered and commemorated on Mt. Samat. Today this solemn day is called; Araw ng Kagitingan […]
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