75th Anniversary Zf269. 00a. The Memorial Event Announcement. Let’s remember, according to one webpage 1622 POWs started out, 1219 Perished and only 403 survived; many, many died because of hunger, inhumane treatment and mistreatment in the hands of the Imperial Japanese Forces. In remembrance of nearly 300 Heroes, who perished during the sinking of the […]
Read MoreZo956. The Philippines was the host country in for the 2019 South East Asia Games. The games were conducted in several different venues including Subic Bay. This Subic Gym building is located along the Aguinaldo St., our sailor’s former Liberty Route to the main gate. It was built by the new Management, the Subic Bay […]
Read More– Zo948. The NLEX Corporation reports the capacity expansion of the 8.2-kilometer Subic Freeport Expressway (SFEX) is significantly progressing! Picture and text are curtesy of the NLEX Corporation. ——————————————— Album description: Although my family is stuck in Hawaii in 2020, I watch the news and I receive stuff from the inter net about Subic Bay. […]
Read MoreThe Subic-Tipo Expressway is widened! Ze535. This is the starting end of the Subic-Tipo Expressway, at this end there were already 4 lanes, they are separated now to construct the new connections to the SBFZ roads. ——————————————- The Subic-Tipo Expressway is built by the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) after the U.S. Navy left and […]
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