Category: Corregidor Island, Fort Mills

Corregidor is a place of HISTORY, important both for the Philippines and the United States of America. It was a great American Fort (Fort Mills) and played a key role in WWII. It was a battle field in the loss of the Philippines in 1942 and a great battle of liberation took place here in 1945! I love history and visited this island many times.

Corregidor News 2024

  Corregidor Visit 2024, 29 June 00. Please be advised that effective 26 March 2024, the operation and administration of Corregidor Island have been turned over to TIEZA. As such, kindly course all your inquiries and transactions to TIEZA thru electronic mail at or thru telephone number 8249-5900 loc. 754. We apologize for any […]

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Battery Grubbs

Zg717. 110329h Battery Grubbs & Family. See, I even brought my family to Corregidor, this is my asawa (spouse in English) and she poses at No 2 Gun of Battery Grubbs, this was on the 29th of March 2011. ————————————————- Battery Grubbs was a 10 Inch Coast Artillery Battery with 2 guns on Corregidor. The […]

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Corregidor Cine and Movie Theatres

Zg688 YMCA, Corregidor.  Is the new YMCA Building on Middle side where we believe movies were shown. This photo was provided by John Moffitt. ————————————- Established this album to replace watermarked images  about the Cine and Other Movie Venues in Fort Mills on Corregidor. Also, to post some of my recent pictures of the “Cine”. […]

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Corregidor News as of 2023 Jan. 01

Zg331. It seems some military visitors organized their own Corregidor visit (April 2023) and tied-up their special crafts to the famous Lorcha Dock were Gen. MacArthur departed from in March 1942 with a heavy heart for Australia to organize his return to the Philippines and the defeat of Japan per repeated orders of President Roosevelt. […]

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Battery Cheney of Fort Mills on Corregidor

  Zg321. One of the 12 Inch gun barrels is being installed at Battery Cheney in Fort Mills on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay, Philippines. It looks like they are using hydraulic jacks. This is a picture from the Karl Schmidt Collection, CDSG. He just sent it now, the 17th of June 2023 and gave me […]

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Philippine Scout News, Album #1

Zg300. Battery “C”, 92nd CAC (Philippine Scouts) 1931 on Corregidor with Capt. Armstrong and 1st Lt. H.C. Reuter ——————————————————– These news items are from the Philippine Scouts or are about them. ——————————————————– This section is from Philippine Scouts Heritage Society. It is their Memorial Message of 2023. Memorial Day 2023 Wishing all PSHS members a […]

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78th Anniversary of raising the First Flag of Liberation on Corregidor

Zg141. We are raising the 48 Star US Flag on the flagpole of the new First Flag Memorial/Marker, just west of the former Fort Mills Parade Ground. ————————————————– Zg142. The 48 Star US Flag is raised again on Corregidor on the 78th Anniversary, 16th Feb. 2023. ———————————————– Under the guidance of the webmaster of […]

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Malinta Hill Tunnel page 2, from John Moffitt.

Here is the original 1966 photo of the Malinta Tunnel North Entrance with a caption at the bottom. Zf930. The man in the center is indeed the correct age to have been a WWII veteran in 1966. A web search tells me that the Iowa Governor in 1966 was Harold E. Hughes and he was […]

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Malinta Hill Tunnel on Corregidor, page 1

Zf856. Gen. MacArthur returns to Corregidor, image from Peter DeForest Facebook page, photo from Carl Mydans of the LIFE Collection. This picture shows Gen. Mac Arthur at the North Entrance of the Malinta Hill Tunnel, probably on the 2nd of March 1945 when he visited Corregidor and ordered the colors hoisted on the Old Flag […]

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Corregidor, Other 1945 Images from San Diego Air Museum

Zf587. One of the best pictures I have seen of the Fort Mills Hospital on Corregidor. This is a San Diego Air and Space Museum WWII image from the donated album of T.B. Suitor. —————————————————— Album Description: Image from and album donated showing images from the Philippines during the Second World War. The album belonged […]

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