This category describes different geographic places in Central Luzon. I live in Olongapo, Zambales and the provinces of Central Luzon are close and are visited most often by me. So much material from this area will be shown here.
The Great Raid 80th Anniversary Commemoration was conducted on the 1st Feb. 2025 because it was a Saturday. The Commemoration was organized by the American Battle Monument Commission at the American POW Memorial in Cabanatuan. Friends and I participated and took these pictures. It was well done, well participated and it was a solemn event. […]
Read MoreBataan, Gen. King Surrender Marker A01. This image came from the former Battling Bastards of Bataan (BBB) web pages from when it was established. The Gen. King Marker sign is gone for many years now and I don’t know the reason. —————————————————- This Bataan Surrender Memorial Marker was established here in Lamao by the Battling […]
Read More#05 picture shows the Iconic Marker of a Fallen Soldier or Serviceman with WWI helmet which the Allied Soldier wore in the Philippines in the defense of the islands. —————————————— The Researcher and spouse of the book Relentless Hope visited the Philippines and we teamed up to visit historical places on Luzon. We stopped at […]
Read More#07 Battle of the Points, Quinawan Point Area, 2024, 29 June. Map 13: Japanese Landings on Bataan from Battle of the Points, US Army, The Fall of the Philippines, Chapter XVII. ————————————————– This is the area of the WWII Battle of the Points Area, so it interests me. After my visit to Corregidor, I decided […]
Read MoreZg425. (-Images #30 to #32) are 3 close-up images, looking down to the Pasig Potrero River from the east lanes of the bridge. It seems the iron sheeting; perhaps put in place to stable the river bed level was not good enough. I speculate they have to something similar in the near future, but better […]
Read MoreZg116. This is picture #048 but is numbered in this album as Zg116. Pictures # 030 to 066 are of the area that people are calling and are visiting, the New Zealand tourist spot. Under those trees, in their cool shade and with the lawn type grass covering the grounds and the calm waters of […]
Read MoreZg107. (-107), Image is a portion of my walk when I walked to Mt. Bagang and climbed to some height to take pictures. I saw tourist traffic coming and going to the east to the pine forested area on the north shore of the new Mapanuepe Lake (not in picture); I learned a tourist spot, […]
Read MoreFour Central Luzon History Stories The Historic Municipio Building in Angeles Zf728. The Historic Municipio Building in Angeles from Wikipedia. Here are two URLs to refresh your memory or learn about the building history. Courtesy of Wikipedia: This building is 100 years old ————————————————– I recently had association with or learned about 4 […]
Read MoreZf707. Here is an old picture of the First Line of Defense Layac Monument by Gilbert Dizon and from this web page, click here: —————————————————————- The First Line of Defense Layac Monument is finished now and I shot these pictures on the 8th of June 2022. B Before I show the pictures of the newly […]
Read MoreZf689. The above images of the old but refurbished Death March Marker # 112 is the last one before one reaches the present Capas Memorial Shrine, dedicated to unimaginable suffering of the US and American Soldiers in the Japanese POW Camp O’Donnell. It is reported that approximately 30,000 Soldiers died here while in the hands […]
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