Corregidor Visit 2024, 29 June 00. Please be advised that effective 26 March 2024, the operation and administration of Corregidor Island have been turned over to TIEZA. As such, kindly course all your inquiries and transactions to TIEZA thru electronic mail at corregidor@tieza.gov.ph or thru telephone number 8249-5900 loc. 754.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Rest assured that we are currently undertaking the necessary measures to ensure the smooth turn over.
Thank you.
Corregidor News 2024!
I Visited Corregidor Yesterday, 29th June 2024
I learned this from the people and officials I met; at this time:
-No more walk-ins you need to arrange your visit thru a tourist/travel office.
-The tourist/travel offices are required to provide a list of visitors to the Coastguard.
-A Coast Guard Sailor will check of the names as you step on board the boat.
-There are no overnight visits to Corregidor at this time!
-The boats from Bataan depart from the Kamaya Point, MAAP Pier and harbor.
-I used this tour company, the only one I know of.
Corregidor Island Tour Messenger URL, click here:
Corregidor Island Tour Facebook URL, click here:
www, click here:
This is the tour package with you providing your own transportation to the boat site in Bataan.
PACKAGE- *₱2,695 Without Transportation*(with their own vehicle) start in Bataan INCLUSIONS Round Trip outrigger Boat Transfer Bataan to Corregidor 25mins Tour vehicle in the island. (Tranvia Bus) Historical Tour Department of Tourism Accredited Tour Guide Island entrance fee Travel Insurance Packed lunch Staff Coordinator SAMPLE ITINERARY Meet Up: Kamaya Point Road Barangay Alas-asin Mariveles Bataan 7:20am to 8:00am Meet up and Departure 8:25am Start Historical Tram Tour PLACE TO VISIT Middle Side Barracks Battery Way Battery Hearn Mile Long Barracks Cine Corregidor Museum Eternal flame of Freedom Dome of Valor View of the Tail of Island Mc Arthur Statue Japanese Memorial Garden Malinta Tunnel Main Road 12:00pm Lunch / Free Time 01:00pm ETD at Corregidor 01:30pm ETA at Bataan
They do have a package leaving Manila with vehicle transportation to the same Bataan site.
IMPORTANT NOTICE from the old Corregidor Management (CFI):
Please be advised that effective 26 March 2024, the operation and administration of Corregidor Island has been turned over to TIEZA. As such, kindly course all your inquiries and transactions to TIEZA thru electronic mail at corregidor@tieza.gov.ph or thru telephone number 8249-5900 loc. 754.
Notice from Karl: I’m working on this matter of visiting Corregidor with TIEZA and Tour Companies. I assume that TIEZA will come up with a more permanent and better solution how to visit this amazing, great and important historical place including a program to stay days on the island!
Here are some pictures of my 29th of June 2024 visit to Corregidor.
Corregidor Visit 2024, 29 June #01. I signed up for this tour, with this tour company because I knew of it, used it before and knew, it is run by the old Corregidor Guides which I highly respect. In view of the Corregidor management change I wanted to get hands on update about visiting Corregidor. This office is located about 200 meters on the Kamaya Point Road from the Provincial Bataan Road intersection where it starts.
‘Corregidor Visit 2024, 29 June #02. I signed up for this tour, with this tour company because I knew of it, used it before and knew, it is run by the old Corregidor Guides which I highly respect. This office is located about 200 meters on the Kamaya Point Road from the Provincial Bataan Road intersection where it starts.
Corregidor Visit 2024, 29 June #03. This lady at the Travel and Tours Guia Del Mar Bataan Office and Guest Lounge had her hands full; I believe we had 20 passengers, coming from all directions. The office had everything: toilets, coffee and a waiting area.
Corregidor Visit 2024, 29 June #04. After we were all checked in at the reception office we drove down to the Maritime Academy of the Pacific and Asia (MAAP) Port, locals directed us to parking spots. This day, the North Channel between Corregidor and Bataan was absolutely perfect, better than in the dry season when the NE winds can whip up the waves.
Corregidor Visit 2024, 29 June #05. This is Madam Imelda from Villa Carmen, her outfit provided the boats. She is helping someone with the life jackets.
Corregidor Visit 2024, 29 June #06. Here is the big change; this Coast Guard Petty Officer is checking the names of the passengers. The tour companies have to provide a passenger list a few days before the scheduled departure.
Corregidor Visit 2024, 29 June #07. We made in to Corregidor, as I said the North Channel was perfect. We used two of these trolleys and we had on of the best guides on the Island. The guide was Mr. Edwards, perfect English and knows his stuff. I know him for 20 years. He used to be Corregidor Inn Director of event and activities. The Corregidor Staff has not changed they are Old Hands and greeted me warmly. They told me that the island, presently, is not offering overnight stays.
Corregidor Visit 2024, 29 June #08. The tour includes a meal and we visitors had a choice from a menu which had to be chosen a couple days before. It was set up in the new events building at the former MacArthur Lodge and Café.
Corregidor Visit 2024, 29 June #09. The tour also included a walk thru the main tunnel of the Malinta Hill. The trolley dropped us off at the east entrance and picked us up at the West Entrance.. The Sound and Video Show is not available right now.
Corregidor News Items, 2024 June 29
Here are 2 more Corregidor news items I observed on my day visit to the “Rock” on this date.
The present On-Island Manager told me he has about 10 sweeper personnel and he said they are also working on trails to control the tropical growth that is always threatening the trails.
01 Corregidor news, 29 June 2024. This is a 16th Feb. 2024 pictures with the tropical growth threatening the wall of the Pacific War Memorial on Corregidor.
The next two pictures were shot on the 29th of June 2024 and show that the present Corregidor Maintenance Crew had a chance to take care of the tropical growth threatening the wall of the Pacific War Memorial on Corregidor.
02 Corregidor news, 29 June 2024. This picture shows that the growth has been cut back from touching the wall of the Pacific War Memorial on Corregidor.
03 Corregidor news, 29 June 2024. This zoomed-in picture shows that the growth has been cut back from touching the wall of the Pacific War Memorial on Corregidor.
The other news item is; I saw a tug and barge with a crane or derrick at the breakwater of the 92nd Coastal Artillery, Philippe Scouts Garage area. Apparently they are doing something there but I could not make out, exactly what. This is the infamous area the Filipino and American POWs were kept by the Japanese for about 18 days with insufficient water and food. About 15 years ago a similar barge placed a concrete cap on the rocks of this breakwater but the following year that concrete cap was destroyed by the seas.
04 Corregidor news, 29 June 2024. I saw a tug and barge with a crane or derrick at the breakwater of the 92nd Coastal Artillery, Philippe Scouts Garage area. Apparently they are doing something there but I could not make out, exactly what.
05 Corregidor news, 29 June 2024. Zoomed-in; I saw a tug and barge with a crane or derrick at the breakwater of the 92nd Coastal Artillery, Philippe Scouts Garage area. Apparently they are doing something there but I could not make out, exactly what.
Tour enterprise from Cavite to Corregidor
A friend just sent me these URLs about a possible future and soon tour enterprise from Cavite to Corregidor and it seems they are planning to land and process the visitors at the 92nd Coastal Artillery Regiment Garage area. I captured one image from those URLs.
The image I captured in Facebook:
06 Corregidor news, 29 June 2024. Zoomed-in barge with a crane or derrick at the breakwater of the 92nd Coastal Artillery Regiment, Philippe Scouts Garage area on Corregidor. It was captured from this Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=8213801348649552&set=p.8213801348649552&type=3
A Third Vessel is Aground in Bataan near Corregidor and the Battle of the Points
MV Mirola 1 is the third vessel to run into trouble in the waters of Bataan, after MT Terranova and MKTR Jason Bradley sank in the past week.
Rappler News
Coast Guard starts oil recovery operations for MV Mirola 1
Aug 1, 2024 12:35 PM PHT
Rappler URL, click here:
MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Coast Guard started on Thursday, August 1, oil recovery operations of the MV Mirola 1, the vessel which ran aground in Mariveles, Bataan.
The said vessel ran aground on Wednesday, July 31, in the vicinity waters of Sitio Quiapo, Barangay Biaan in Mariveles.
Note from Karl: I know Barangay Biaan well from my many walks to and from the Battle of the Points. This was my starting or finishing spot.