Philippine Scout News, Album #1

Zg300. Battery “C”, 92nd CAC (Philippine Scouts) 1931 on Corregidor with Capt. Armstrong and 1st Lt. H.C. Reuter


These news items are from the Philippine Scouts or are about them.


This section is from Philippine Scouts Heritage Society. It is their Memorial Message of 2023.

Memorial Day 2023

Wishing all PSHS members a meaningful and restful Memorial Day. Apologies for the long hiatus in email newsletters. Sometimes it gets busy for our volunteer members and things get away from us. It’s been a couple of months since we last sent out an email newsletter, but we’re sending this email out today being Memorial Day,  and “our mission is to remember.”

We have quite a bit of update that we may have to break content apart into several emails – including a recap and photos from the Bataan Memorial Death March in White Sands, New Mexico, the Bataan Legacy event held at the Presidio on April 15th, our President Paul Ruiz’s attendance in the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor conference a few weeks ago, the upcoming Mid-Atlantic Air Museum’s WW2 Weekend in Reading, Pennsylvania, and some other tidbits and historical nuggets.

For now we would like to announce our Society online Zoom meeting which is scheduled for Sunday, September 10th from 1-3pm Pacific time. Agenda, and Zoom link to be sent out later this summer. The usual Society business matters will be presented and discussed in this meeting (eg. President’s report, Sececretary’s, Treasurer’s report, new business, elections). It will also be an opportunity social catch-up for everyone after the meeting.

Today we remember all the servicemen and Scouts who fell fighting for freedom. As a special highlight, the two WW2 Philippine Scout Medal of Honor awardees who did not make it back home. Lt. Alexander R. Nininger, Jr. of the 57th Infantry, and Capt. Willibald Bianchi of the 45th Infantry. Their names are forever etched on the Walls of the Missing at the Manila American Cemetery marked in gold. A poignant message is carved on the wall among the names of the missing and fallen, “Take unto thyself O Lord the souls of the valiant.”

Zg295. The names of missing MOH recipients are forever etched on the Walls of the Missing at the Manila American Cemetery marked in gold.

Zg296. Lt. Alexander R. Nininger, Jr. of the 57th Infantry is forever etched on the Walls of the Missing at the Manila American Cemetery marked in gold.

Zg297. Capt. Willibald Bianchi of the 45th Infantry is forever etched on the Walls of the Missing at the Manila American Cemetery marked in gold.

Zg298. A prayer on the Walls of the Missing at the Manila American Cemetery.

Zg299. The Manila American Cemetery and Memorial.

Zg300. Battery “C”, 92nd CAC (Philippine Scouts) 1931 on Corregidor with Capt. Armstrong and 1st Lt. H.C. Reuter.


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