Zd019. General Douglas MacArthur Address at West Point – “Duty, Honor, Country” from Valorous TV, Home of the Uncommon Valor, click here:
His famous farewell speech, there not too many things that were not touched by Gen MacArthur!
hese pictures are from John Duresky, who is a member of the Army Lt. Chester K. Britt Research Team.
The people of the Army Lt. Chester K. Britt Research Team are:
First is Dave Britt, LTC USAF (Ret), son of Chester K Britt, Vickie Graham CMSGT USAF (Ret), and John Duresky. They all graduated from Logan High School in La Crosse, Wisconsin in 1967, and are doing it as a team. Chester Britt graduated from Logan in 1933 and his mother Grace in 1934. Dave wrote most of the manuscript, John editing what he wrote and doing most of the research, and Vickie is the final editor with about 20 years of professional writing in her resume, largely with Airman magazine.
They are planning to write a book about Army Lt. Chester K. Britt soon!
I have exchanged information with the Army Lt. Chester K. Britt Research Team about Olongapo and Subic Bay where I live. These pictures, I have received from them, have a connection to the American-Philippine history and that is why I like to share them here.
Here they are presented with some descriptions but are smaller. The original high-resolution pictures, without descriptions are available at this Flickr album, click here.
Zd020. President F.D. Roosevelt congratulating the cadets in 1940. John Duresky wrote this:
Good Morning Karl,
Finally moved into our new home in New Mexico. Saw your writeup about FDR and thought you would appreciate this about him. I love all of Ken Burns’ documentaries, very detailed and fascinating from start to finish. Last one I watched was THE ROOSEVELTS Learned something in that film. Because of his polio, you will always see FDR bracing himself with one hand on something if he is standing. Note the page from Chester Britt’s 1940 West Point HOWITZER yearbook and FDR where I blew up his photo. Exactly as described in that documentary, a small detail I would have missed without the documentary. He fought through his pain to honor those new lieutenants by standing for them. America was fortunate to have him as our wartime leader.
John Duresky
Zd021. 1940 West Point yearbook, John wrote this:
It’s OK to add, I don’t think these will be in the book, and everything else will be on our free website, so no problem. Plus, it’s in the 1940 West Point yearbook, so it’s a public document, it’s simply a detail that is easy to overlook. Chester Britt is not in those photos.
Zd022. Four Wisconsin Youth to Graduate from West Point in 194. (03 1940 6 1 MADISON WI CAPITAL TIMES Glenwood G Stephenson from Wisconsin).
The West Point Memorial at the Cabanatuan American Memorial:
Karl, thanks very much for sending this. One of our early book goals was to identify and learn about the other men who Chester Britt served with in the Philippines from the class of 1940. I had all these names, but missed Glenwood G Stephenson because I thought he simply died in an accident in Australia. Thanks to the photo you sent showing him on the memorial with the other men from the 1940 class I dug further and am adding him as the last man from that class who fought and died as part of the defense of the Philippines. 22 men went to the Philippines with Chester from that 1940 class, 11 died during over there.
See attached articles I found. He was a native of Wisconsin, same as Chester Britt. He flew combat missions over Luzon, etc., and died in Australia on 4/21/1942, but his family wasn’t notified of his death until the day Corregidor fell, May 6, 1942.
Hector Polla, class of 1941, was an usher in Chester Britt’s wedding at West Point.
Zd023. 04 1940 6 21 GREEN BAY WI PRESS GAZETTE Glenwood G Stephenson graduates from WP.
Zd024. 05 1942 5 6 MARSHFIELD WI NEWS HERALD parents notified he dies on same day Corregidor falls.
Zd025. 06 1942 5 6 WISCONSIN RAPIDS DAILY TRIBUNE more about life and death of Capt Stephenson.
Zd026. 07 1943 1 17 SHREVEPORT LA TIMES about Capt Stephenson and his air group Page 1.
Zd027. 08 1943 1 17 SHREVEPORT LA TIMES about Capt Stephenson and his air group Page 15.
Zd018. List of the Fallen West Point Officers from the Graduation Years 1940 and 1941. Notice 1STLT Alexander R. Nininger, who we frequently mentioned in the forum, awardee of the Medal of Honor. One of several images of the West Point Memorial at the Cabanatuan American Memorial which this album is dedicated to. These images were shot on the 31 July 2008. Click here for the album!