Salvage of wreck on Corregidor 2008

Zo636. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008. In this picture we Morrison Hill at left and on Corregidor, then the hills around Mariveles Bay where the wrecks of the USS Canopos AS-9 and the George Dewey Drydock rest.
Not all wrecks have been cleared out of Manila Bay. Some are historical, such as the SS Corregidor or the Drydock George Dewey.

This salvage work occurred on Corregidor Island, the ex-Fort Mills in Aug 2008. I was visiting Corregidor at this time and took these pictures between Aug. 18 to Aug. 20 2008. This wreck, it must have been from WWII, from the Siege of Corregidor, was resting on the east end of the former Ft. Mills North Mine Dock. It was interesting to watch Filipino Divers at work.

This must have been a job to make the water at the east end of the Mine Dock navigable for deeper draft vessels.

Zo637. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo638. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.That corner of the former Fort Mills North Mine Dock also got repaired.

Zo639. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo640. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo641. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo642. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo643. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo644. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo645. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo646. A map of Corregidor Island, the former Ft. Mills. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo647. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo648. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo649. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo650. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008. That is the Lorcha Dock, where Gen. MacArthur left from on his dash thru the Japanese lines in 1942 on Navy PT boats after repeatedly ordered so by President Roosevelt.

Zo651. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo652. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008. That small peak at center is Mt. Limay on Bataan, near by in Lamao Town Gen. King was forced to surrender all of his Bataan American and Philippine Forces in 1942.

Zo653. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008. The Filipino Salvors married two banca boats, catamaran style, built an A-Frame and with the help of air and a chain hoist did the salvage work. I recent years I saw Filipino salvors take a whole LST apart, sunk in the next bay north of Subic Bay and sold it for scrap.

Zo654. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

Zo655. A WWII wreck, sunk during the siege of Corregidor, is salvaged on Corregidor Island, Manila Bay in 2008.

4 thoughts on “Salvage of wreck on Corregidor 2008

  1. Has anyone since WWII Found or Dived on the USS Canopus ? I am aware that the Japanese tried and failed to raIse it in 1944

    1. Hi Charles, don’t know. I was a diver, and live in Olongapo, was always thinking about doing it. But it takes money and effort to do that. It is in relative shallow water and I’m afraid Filipino diver have stripped much of it.

      1. Hello Sailor,
        I am a professinol Diver and I would love to Dive on her to se whats left.
        Not for salvage. I understand that pre 1945 Steel underwater is worth more. Your thoughts are some local salvaged some of Canopus ? Do you know any local Divers that know her location for sure? I’m based out of Camden New Jersey near the Shipyard that built Canopus. I’m very curious of what is left of her.

        Thanks, Chuck

        1. Hi Charles. I also would like to know. But I don’t know of amyone who has dove on her, nor would I be able to organice a dive on her. Sorry, Friend.

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