Zd033. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
These first 13 images of Gen. MacArthur during the era of the Bonus March.
The MacArthur Memorial created a film about the eviction of the Bonus Army from Washington DC in 1932. It was created by the memorial archivist James Zobel and his staff.
Click here for the link.
I took 13 screenshots of images showing Gen MacArthur during the eviction of the march or from that time.
Zd034. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Zd035. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Zd036. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Zd037. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Zd038. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Zd039. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Zd040. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Zd041. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Zd042. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Zd043. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Zd044. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Zd045. A screen shot of Gen. MacArthur in a You Tube video during the era of the Bonus March. Curtesy of the Gen. MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk VA.
Two More Gen. MacArthur pictures from Facebook.
Zd052. Gen. MacArthur, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) 14th Aug. 1945. Obviously, this picture was shot later, most likely in connection with the Korean War.
Zo053. Gen. MacArthur arrives in Japan, the 30th of Aug. 1945.
Mac visiting the Bilibid Prison during the Liberation.
These two pictures are from Joe Joe Alora III’s FB page: click here:
Zf362. Mac visiting the Bilibid Prison during the Liberation. From the Facebook page of Joe Joe Alora III
Zf363. Mac visiting the Bilibid Prison during the Liberation. From the Facebook page of Joe Joe Alora III
Photos during the 10-day sentimental journey of General Douglas Macarthur and his wife, Jean to the Philippines, July 3 to 12, 1961.
The General passed away in April 5, 1964.
These pictures were copied from Joe Joe Alora III’s FB page, click here:
Source: Pictures from the book A Sentimental Journey
Zf364. Photo during the 10-day sentimental journey of General Douglas Macarthur and his wife, Jean to the Philippines, July 3 to 12, 1961. from the book A Sentimental Journey.
Zf365. Photo during the 10-day sentimental journey of General Douglas Macarthur and his wife, Jean to the Philippines, July 3 to 12, 1961. from the book A Sentimental Journey.
Zf366. Photo during the 10-day sentimental journey of General Douglas Macarthur and his wife, Jean to the Philippines, July 3 to 12, 1961. from the book A Sentimental Journey.
Zf367. Photo during the 10-day sentimental journey of General Douglas Macarthur and his wife, Jean to the Philippines, July 3 to 12, 1961. from the book A Sentimental Journey.
Zf368. Photo during the 10-day sentimental journey of General Douglas Macarthur and his wife, Jean to the Philippines, July 3 to 12, 1961. from the book A Sentimental Journey.
Gen. MacArthur visits Bataan in 1945.
Zf421. Gen. MacArthur visits Bataan in 1945. This picture came from the National Museum of American History at this URL, lick here:
The above URL presentation had this description:
Once Mydans was pulled from the European theater in late 1944, he reunited with Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the Pacific. After the landing at Luzon, MacArthur’s troops made their way into Bataan. Almost three years after Gen. Edward King surrendered Bataan to the Japanese, American troops and Filipino guerrillas recaptured the peninsula. According to LIFE, after many days of battle, General MacArthur surveyed the Japanese dead and issued a communique: So far as can be found, no living Japanese soldier is now on the peninsula (LIFE, Mar 5, 1945).
When did Gen. MacArthur visit the battlefield Bataan in 1942?
The question came up because we read in a 1942 news article that Gen. MacArthur pinned on the MOH Medal on the chest of Lt. Willibald C Bianchi.
I asked my friends for help, because I did not remember when Gen MacArthur visited Bataan in 1942, but nobody came thru yet with the date.
After doing my own research I found this article which states that Gen. MacArthur made his only visit to Bataan on the 10th of Jan. 1942. If true, than the article about Gen MacArthur pinning on the MOH can’t be true because LT. Willibald C Bianchi participated in his actions after the 10th of Jan. 1942. This article is written by a much respected author, who most likely only does 100% correct work. The article is called: ‘A Dreadful Step’_ Surrender at Luzon, from John M. Taylor. John M Taylor is the son of the famous general Maxwell D. Taylor and wrote a book about his father. This is the URL about the ‘A Dreadful Step’_ Surrender at Luzon, click here: