Zc535. The approximate location of the Battery Rock Point Panama Mount we have seen so far. This is the Rock Point area of the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island.
Battery Rock Point, 155 mm GPF gun/s on Panama Mount/s
During the Corregidor Siege the entire installed stationary 155 mm GPF guns were very seldom used ( in Ft. Frank they were used). Most were pointing seaward and were sitting duck targets exposed to air attack and land based artillery fire. Most became mobile batteries and were giving names of their Commanders such as Battery Wright and Rose for example.
So far I found only one Panama Mount but Battery Rock Point has two concrete magazines, they are not on the 1936 map. I assume the magazines were built for this battery, I call them the east and west magazine. I don’t have a good picture of the Panama Mount, maybe someone else can provide some.
On my way to Searchlight No.2 on the 7th July 2018 I looked at the West Magazine again and provide these pictures, including images from earlier visits.
Zc536. This is the approximate location of the Battery Rock Point Panama Mount and the two magazines. This is a section of the 1936 Fort Mills map and shows the Rock Point area of the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island.
Zc537. This is the masonry entrance way to the West Magazine of Battery Rock Point in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. It is damaged and this is a 2018-07-07 image.
Zc538. This is the masonry entrance way to the West Magazine of Battery Rock Point in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. This is a 2018-07-07 image, the passage makes a left turn here.
Zc539. This is the masonry entrance way to the West Magazine of Battery Rock Point in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. After we made the left turn we see the magazine entrance door; the walls are very high here. This is a 2008-11-08 image.
Zc540. This is the masonry entrance way to the West Magazine of Battery Rock Point in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. After we made the left turn we see the magazine entrance door. This is a 2008-09-24 image.
Zc541. This is the West Magazine back wall of Battery Rock Point in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. This is a 2006-03-05 image.
Zc542. This is the West Magazine of Battery Rock Point in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. This is a 2008-11-08 image showing some of the present residents.
Zc543. This is the West Magazine of Battery Rock Point in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. This is a 2008-11-08 image showing that at some places on the ground/floor you still can find something interesting.
Zc544. This is the West Magazine entrance door wall of Battery Rock Point in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. This is a 2018-07-07 image.
Zc545. This is the masonry entrance/exit way to/from the West Magazine of Battery Rock Point in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. Exiting the magazine requires a right turn. This is a 2018-07-07 image.
Zc546. This is the masonry entrance/exit way to/from the West Magazine of Battery Rock Point in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. Exiting the magazine requires a right turn. This is a 2008-11-08 image.
Zc547. This is the masonry entrance/exit way to/from the West Magazine of Battery Rock Point in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. After we made the right turn, exiting the Magazine, we will reenter the North-Shore-Road. This is a 2004-01-30 image.