Ze650. This is the USS Oklahoma BB-37 Battle Ship Memorial on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor. When you stand at the gate of the USS Missouri Memorial you have this view of the USS Oklahoma Memorial.
I read that the USS Oklahoma Memorial existed but I had no idea how it looked. On the 2nd Nov. 2019 I walked to Ford Island and had a look. Here are only 12 images of my visit.
26 images each, same pictures, are in these other albums.
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Ze651. This is the USS Oklahoma BB-37 Battle Ship Memorial on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor. It is located very near the USS Missouri Memorial which is berthed at the place where the USS Oklahoma sunk.
Ze652. This plaque stands by the USS Oklahoma BB-37 Battle Ship Memorial on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor. A high-resolution copy is available, click here:
Ze653. The USS Oklahoma Memorial has a wall with the names of the Marines and Sailors that gave up their life or died later from their injuries.
Ze654. This plaque tells us the history of the USS Oklahoma BB-37 at its BB-37 Battle Ship Memorial on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor.
Ze655 Historic dates and technical data of the USS Oklahoma BB-37 at its BB-37 Battle Ship Memorial on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor.
Ze656. The USS Oklahoma story on the 7th Dec. 1942 and how her life ended. 429 Sailors and Marines gave up their life then or died later.
Ze657. This is a view of the USS Missouri from the USS Oklahoma Memorial; at that very spot is where the USS Oklahoma sunk and was salvaged. In front of you at that area a heck of a salvage job was executed in 1943 and 44.
Ze658. This plaque explains the Navy Tradition of Manning the Rail and what the 429 White Marble Standards with the names of the Sailors and Marines represent, that they were torn away from our sides.
Ze659. Several black marble plates were erected with meaningful quotes from historical peoples.
Ze660. This plaque is part of the Ford Island Historical Trail around the island with many plaques like this one. It is located nearby and shows the USS Oklahoma being salvaged; a heck of a job; divers like me and may other skills did the job.
Ze661. This is where the Salvage plaque is located, that is the USS Missouri BB-63 Memorial. The USS Oklahoma Memorial is about the same distance, about 50 degrees to the left. This is also where the Ford Island Historical Trail starts with may plaques. The trail is well marked and I will present it in the future.