Tag: Karl Welteke

Rainy Day, Karl’s Family, 2007 Aug. 9th

Rainy Day, Karl’s Family, 2007 Aug. 9th Rowena Reyes Welteke, Karl Welteke, Karl-Wilhelm Welteke, Karla Welteke, Manilyn Reyes Welteke, at Barrio Barretto,Manilyn Reyes, Randy Reyes ———————————————-   Zg774.  Manilyn, 18 now, Rowena’s cousin, has stayed with us since she was 14, is left. She goes to college now. Emi, right, is our house help and […]

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Manila Bay Harbor Clearance

Manila Bay Harbor Clearance Zo625. One of many sunken ships, wrecks then, blocking the Manila Harbor in WWII. Image, curtesy of Pacific Paratrooper webpages. ——————————————— Eye Witness Account – Clearing Manila Harbor, lets start with this story. This is condensed from a story written by Rear Admiral William A. Sullivan and appears in “The Pacific […]

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WWII Tidbits from the www. Post #1

Zo571. GERMAN-ARMY-RUSSIA-SOVIET-UNION-WW2-SECOND-WORLD-WAR-IMAGES-PICTURES-PHOTOS-HISTORY-008 February 1944. A pathetic sight. The once mighty German army withdraws from Leningrad area on horse-carts. Curtesy of: https://pictureshistory.blogspot.com/ or click here https://pictureshistory.blogspot.com/2010/07/germans-in-russia-later-years-retreat.html or click here —————————————————– A collection of WWII images from the world wide web (WWW). These are pictures that drew my attention or are telling me a story that interests […]

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Navy Bootcamp San Diego 1960, Company 331. The Navy Recruit Training Command San Diego at the Naval Training Center was my first home in the United States Navy starting on the 14th July 1960. Navy Recruit Company # 331 in 1960 was my company for about 12 weeks in the NTC San Diego. We marched […]

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