Ze078. The entrance to Cable Hut No.5 in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island.
Cable Hut No.5 is located at Middleside, in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island. I had looked at it before but not close like this time on the 27th Jan. 2019. Glen Williford wanted to see it and he found it right away. I crawled down in there and was surprised because it is also has a tunnel that leads north under the previous construction rail track and now under the road to Topside. The other end is now closed by earth, so we don’t know how long it is. It has brackets, apparently where the cables run on. .
Ze079. The location of Cable Hut No.5 in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island on the 1936 Fort Mills Facility Drawing.
Ze080. Cable Hut No.5 in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island has a tunnel that runs north under the previous construction rail track and now under the road to Topside.
Ze081. Cable Hut No.5 in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island has a tunnel that runs north under the previous construction rail track and now under the road to Topside. The other end is now closed with earth and so far we did not find the other end.
Ze082. Cable Hut No.5 in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island has a tunnel that runs north under the previous construction rail track and now under the road to Topside. I am in the tunnel and the view is back to where I entered. The brackets apparently were for the cables to run on thru the tunnel or culvert.