Ze034. 01 Filipinas Heritage Library, Rampage Book Launch
This is a book about the terrible thing that happened to the City of Manila because the enemy threw away all regards to the life of Philippine civilians. Not only that, many of the Japanese military personnel went on a rampage of murder, rape and brutality.
The Gen. MacArthur Memorial recommended me to accompany the author to Corregidor and show him what he wanted to see. I was glad to do it and I found the author very likable, he was young and ready to listen and do.
And we both have a Navy connection and we made a good Navy Team, His father was the Damage Control Assistance (DCA) on the USS Liberty when it got attacked by Israel. The ship suffered terrible casualties and his father was a main player in saving the ship from sinking. He wrote a book about that story also.
The Philippine Heritage Library and the National Book Store organized this for 5 days in Manila and the first night was in the Ayala Museum in Makati on the 12th of Feb. 2019.
Ze035. 01a Rampage, this is my book cover scanned, James sent me an autographed copy.
Ze036. 02 Philippine Heritage Library and the National Book Store present the launch of Rampage: MacArthur, Yamashita, and the Battle of Manila by James Scott.
Ze037. 03 Opening remarks by the Ayala Corporation Chairman. Picture credit to Mr. Curtis Sorrell.
Ze038. 04 The author gives his presentation. Picture credit to Mr. Curtis Sorrell.
Ze039. 05. After the presentation there was a question and answer period. Dr. Rico Jose kept a handle on that. I was glad to see the Dr. we spend some time together in WWII Tunnels. Photo credit to the Philippine Heritage Library
Ze040. 06. Dr. Rico Jose did much of the organizing and helped make this book launch a success. Photo credit to the Philippine Heritage Library.
Ze041. 07. The author signed a book even before the presentation started, I also had a chance to say hello. He had sent me a personal invitation.
Ze042. 08. After the question and answer period the author signed books. I did not have to wait because he sent me signed copy already. But I did buy a copy of the book Target Tokyo. The hall was very full and the staff had to get many more chairs. So the line was too long and I skipped the signing of my Target Tokyo book. Photo credit to the Philippine Heritage Library.
Ze043. 09. Books were available with a 10 % discount and I bought a copy, The attack on the USS Liberty book, I got already because the author sent me a signed copy. He indeed is a Gentleman. Picture credit to Mr. Curtis Sorrell.
Ze044. 11. Books were available with a 10 % discount and I bought a copy, the attack on the USS Liberty book. I got it already because the author sent me a signed copy. He indeed is a Gentleman.
Ze045. 14. The author in the former Fort Mills on Corregidor Island on the 18th Sep. 2019. The Gen. MacArthur Memorial got us together. Here we are at Battery Grubbs, one of only two 10 inch gun batteries in the Philippines during WWII.
Ze046. 15. The autograph and words of appreciation by the author in the book he sent me. In the acknowledge section, page 516, he wrote this: “I also want to thank Karl-Wilhelm Welteke, a modern day Indiana Jones who, armed with a handheld GPS took me on a two day adventure thru the jungles of Corregidor.”
Ze047. 17. I invited my family of course and a family friend from Germany, a retired Senior Army Officer of the new Bundeswehr. We arrived early, the place really got packed and the museum had to haul in many more chairs.
I did not read the book yet, I’m always so busy. The Senior German Army Officer read the book and praised it ot me. He said the research was OUTSTANDING and he liked the personal witness stories sprinkled throughout the book. My impression of the author is that he is a good man, got the head on straight and comes from a military family!
Ze048. 18. Karl was a happy camper at the book launch of Rampage: MacArthur, Yamashita, and the Battle of Manila by James Scott. 12th Feb. 2019. I was happy; that I made it and that the family came. After all, the author invited me, and my friend Lou Jurika encouraged me strongly. See his book critique at the front of this thread in the Corregidor Forum, click here: