Tribute to Filipino Heroes on Corregidor 7th April, 2018
As part of the Philippine Veterans Week April 5 to 11, 2018, on April 7, 2018 Tribute to all Filipino Heroes is observed on Corregidor Island in Manila Bay. The site of the Tribute is at the Filipino Heroes Memorial. The advance party to set up things landed on the 6th of April.
I came on the Island to meet the Valor Tour group and friends and was not aware that this commemoration was observed every year. So I tried to take pictures but run out of batteries and had to run to Bottomside and back to get more. And so I missed the important part of the ceremony. But I think you still get an idea how the ceremony was conducted.
Za891. Tribute to Filipino Heroes on Corregidor 7th April, 2018, Marines are practicing.
Za892. Tribute to Filipino Heroes on Corregidor 7th April, 2018, without this man and his gear things don’t work out!
Za893. Tribute to Filipino Heroes on Corregidor 7th April, 2018, this was the program front.
Za894. Tribute to Filipino Heroes on Corregidor 7th April, 2018, Filipino Heroes Memorial, before the ceremony.
Za895. Tribute to Filipino Heroes on Corregidor 7th April, 2018, the Marine Honor Guard.
Za896. Tribute to Filipino Heroes on Corregidor 7th April, 2018, some of the visitors have arrived.
Za897. Tribute to Filipino Heroes on Corregidor 7th April, 2018, a speaker.
Za898. Tribute to Filipino Heroes on Corregidor 7th April, 2018, This was the working party, standing by for the end to unrig after.
Za899. Tribute to Filipino Heroes on Corregidor 7th April, 2018, Marines are practicing.
I established a Photobucket album about the Tribute to all Veterans with 31 images, if you are interested, click here:
I also made a Corregidor Forum presentation, click here.