Tag: Battle of the Points.

A Quick View of the Quinawan Point Area, 2024 June 29.

#07 Battle of the Points, Quinawan Point Area, 2024, 29 June. Map 13: Japanese Landings on Bataan from Battle of the Points, US Army, The Fall of the Philippines, Chapter XVII.   https://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/USA-P-PI/USA-P-PI-17.html ————————————————– This is the area of the WWII Battle of the Points Area, so it interests me. After my visit to Corregidor, I decided […]

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Bataan Trip 21-01-15

Zd840. This is one of 6 images of the Subic Freeport Expressway on the 15th Jan 2021. I started my Bataan trip this way. This is the first section as you leave the former Navy Exchange area. —————————————— This was an exploration trip of changes in Bataan during the virus crisis, I had to get […]

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