Tag: Anyasan Point

A Quick View of the Quinawan Point Area, 2024 June 29.

#07 Battle of the Points, Quinawan Point Area, 2024, 29 June. Map 13: Japanese Landings on Bataan from Battle of the Points, US Army, The Fall of the Philippines, Chapter XVII.   https://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/USA-P-PI/USA-P-PI-17.html ————————————————– This is the area of the WWII Battle of the Points Area, so it interests me. After my visit to Corregidor, I decided […]

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WWII Tidbits from the www. Post #1

Zo571. GERMAN-ARMY-RUSSIA-SOVIET-UNION-WW2-SECOND-WORLD-WAR-IMAGES-PICTURES-PHOTOS-HISTORY-008 February 1944. A pathetic sight. The once mighty German army withdraws from Leningrad area on horse-carts. Curtesy of: https://pictureshistory.blogspot.com/ or click here https://pictureshistory.blogspot.com/2010/07/germans-in-russia-later-years-retreat.html or click here —————————————————– A collection of WWII images from the world wide web (WWW). These are pictures that drew my attention or are telling me a story that interests […]

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