Zg595. Philippines MIA Search & Recovery Project
Philippines MIA Search & Recovery Project
Welcome to the Philippines MIA Search & Recovery Project. We are building a community of people from all over the world interested in the search and recovery of MIA from United States, Philippines, Japan, and all other countries lost in the Philippines.
From Karl: I like to promote this historic and interesting Facebook page, I would like you to be aware of this FB page and once a while I will copy from their page to here to remind you it is available. This is the URL, click here:
Zg596. The Admin is John Duresky, pictured here in 2021 (I believe) with a WWII vehicle in San Jose.
Zg597. John Duresky is the researcher of the writing team of the new book “Relentless Hope: A True Story of War and Survival, by David L. Britt”. I have helped him out with some information and John Duresky is sharing almost all his finds with me. Many of the pictures he presents are purchased by him in the www. Thank you very much, John.
Seven Men at a Table on Corregidor
This is the first item presented from the Philippines MIA Search & Recovery Project
Zg598. Seven Men at a Table on Corregidor 1942 from Dean Schedler, Associated Press Corespondent.
It started with a news clipping, John Duesky writes: Newspaper clipping courtesy of Patricia Prickett, daughter of Capt William F Prickett. I had the pleasure of meeting Patricia and other relatives of men who served at the annual convention of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor (ADBC) in Albuquerque, NM, on May 5, 2023, which was May 6 in the Philippines, 79 years after the fall of Corregidor on May 6, 1942. Thanks to Patricia, a little more of the story of these heroes is now known.
Zg599. Seven Men at a Table on Corregidor 1942 from Dean Schedler, Associated Press Corespondent.
John made this outstanding research and wrote all the discovery information around the paper clipping. I copied some here below. This picture is available in my Flickr account in high resolution at this URL, click here:
It started with a news clipping, John Duesky writes: Newspaper clipping courtesy of Patricia Prickett, daughter of Capt William F Prickett. I had the pleasure of meeting Patricia and other relatives of men who served at the annual convention of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor (ADBC) in Albuquerque, NM, on May 5, 2023, which was May 6 in the Philippines, 79 years after the fall of Corregidor on May 6, 1942. Thanks to Patricia, a little more of the story of these heroes is now known.
The clipping shows six men seated around a table with an empty chair on Corregidor. Possibly moments before the War Correspondent took this photo he was seated there and talking with the men and taking their personal information. I was able to track down all of them, the most difficult being T E Pulos whose last name was mistyped as Pules.
By a quirk of fate, the correspondent and the three men on the left all survived the war, the three men on the right all survived years in POW camps in the Philippines but then died in Hell Ships.
Along with the approximately 38% of the POWs our country and their families lost who died in WWII in the Pacific, we also lost 38% of the stories of heroism, pain, and courage which those brave souls never came home to tell.
Of the three men who died, only one has any hope of being found, Lt Col Adams who may or may not be among those buried in a mass grave at Takao, Formosa, which is part of this project at the Defense POW/MiA Accounting Agency , click here