Media Category: U.S.A.

All pictures of the USA

US – Philippines_ An Enduring Friendship 06

US – Philippines_ An Enduring Friendship 06

Here is a video link to the book which includes an audio track. The pages are extracted from the book… it will give you a sneak peak to the hard copy of the book. Note from Karl, I was impressed and really enjoyed the video; book will arrive in a few days. I would […]

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US – Philippines_ An Enduring Friendship 05

US – Philippines_ An Enduring Friendship 05

Here is a video link to the book which includes an audio track. The pages are extracted from the book… it will give you a sneak peak to the hard copy of the book. Note from Karl, I was impressed and really enjoyed the video; book will arrive in a few days. I would […]

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US – Philippines_ An Enduring Friendship 04

US – Philippines_ An Enduring Friendship 04

Here is a video link to the book which includes an audio track. The pages are extracted from the book… it will give you a sneak peak to the hard copy of the book. Note from Karl, I was impressed and really enjoyed the video; book will arrive in a few days. I would […]

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US – Philippines_ An Enduring Friendship 03

US – Philippines_ An Enduring Friendship 03

Here is a video link to the book which includes an audio track. The pages are extracted from the book… it will give you a sneak peak to the hard copy of the book. Note from Karl, I was impressed and really enjoyed the video; book will arrive in a few days. I would […]

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US – Philippines_ An Enduring Friendship 02

US – Philippines_ An Enduring Friendship 02

Here is a video link to the book which includes an audio track. The pages are extracted from the book… it will give you a sneak peak to the hard copy of the book. Note from Karl, I was impressed and really enjoyed the video; book will arrive in a few days. I would […]

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Ze562. This 105mm Howitzer M3 stands in front of the Army Museum in Fort Derussy Beach Park.

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Ze560. The first German POWs from the German Gunboat Geier which was interned in Honolulu Harbor when the war broke out. This picture is displayed in the Ft. Derussy Museum. It reminded me of my heritage. Hitler started the war and as a result Germany lost 25% of its country on demand by Communist Stalin who also divided the rest of Germany. The communist played a very negative role in the Weimar Republic also. That is why I believed the spread of communism has to be stopped and I volunteered to serve three different tours in the Viet Nam War, altogether 4 years in country.

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Ze530. The Honolulu Rail Transit track is running over H1 Freeway along the Kamehameha Hwy. in Pearl City.

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Ze529. Honolulu Rail Transit, Aloha Stadium Station #9 is being finished.

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Ze528. Honolulu Rail Transit, Aloha Stadium Station #9 is being finished.

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