This category describes different geographic places in Central Luzon. I live in Olongapo, Zambales and the provinces of Central Luzon are close and are visited most often by me. So much material from this area will be shown here.

Corregidor is a place of HISTORY, important both for the Philippines and the United States of America. It was a great American Fort (Fort Mills) and played a key role in WWII. It was a battle field in the loss of the Philippines in 1942 and a great battle of liberation took place here in 1945! I love history and visited this island many times.

The Welteke/Reyes Family Pictures.

After the United States took over the Philippines from Spain after the Spanish-American War they fortified Manila Bay and Subic Bay. Five islands became forts, Caballo Isl.-Ft. Hughes; El Fraile Isl.- Ft. Drum; Carabao Isl.-Ft. Frank; Grande Isl. In Subic Bay, Ft.-Wint; Corregidor Isl.-Ft. Mills is handled as a separate category. I have visited all of them and herewith will try to share some of my pictures of these very interesting and historical places.

This category is for images and albums of Metro Manila, the big city with the many people.

P.I.-Sailor’s Navy Pages....... The U.S. Navy was my vehicle to see many parts of the world and allowed me to be witness to world events....... This picture shows the USS New Jersey (BB-62) and an amphibious ship passing each other near Grande Island in Subic Bay, 1963, into and from the Subic Bay Naval Base.

North Luzon, this category covers all my visits to North Luzon. This picture is of the construction of the new Pangasinan-Nueva Viscaya Road along the old Villa Verde Trail. It was shot in Feb. 2017 from the west slopes of Mt. Imugan, where the 126th Reg. attacked.

This category is for my albums from South Luzon.

This category will include images and stories from SBFZ, the former Naval Base, Olongapo City, Barrio Barretto and everything else related to Subic Bay. Zc232. Aerial shot of the Subic Bay Freeport Zone (SBFZ), the ex Subic Bay Naval Base. Photo credit- SBFZ. This photo is related to this web page:

About my service in Viet Nam, visit and other experiences.

This category is for my albums from the Visayan Islands.

A collection of WWII images from the world wide web (WWW). These are pictures that drew my attention or are telling me a story that interests me.